Sharing Christ through a caring church for a changing world.

Sunday Schedule:

9:30 AM - Bible Study

10:30 AM - Worship Service



We are a caring, joyful, welcoming community of faith seeking to share God’s love with the world. While we don’t claim to be perfect, we are on a journey. We welcome you to join with us!

Growing in faith through the seasons of life.


Finding meaning through using our gifts.


Serve in the church.

Haddock Baptist Church offers a variety of ministries for preschoolers, children, youth and adults. Our music ministry includes a sanctuary choir and handbell choir. Volunteers work in the kitchen and church nursery, serve as ushers, sing in the choir, help maintain the facilities, teach Sunday School and much more. At Haddock Baptist Church, you will find ways to use your gifts and talents in meaningful ways that serve the kingdom of God.


Serve in the community.

Our church is determined to make an impact in our community as we seek to be the hands and feet of Jesus. Our JOY Ministry provides for encouragement and fellowship with other senior adults in monthly meetings and reaches out regularly to shut-ins of our church. Our Men’s Ministry meets monthly, prays faithfully for our congregation, and is developing a ministry to widows and widowers of our church family. Our church provides Christmas gifts to teenagers in foster care. We provide for occasional benevolence needs on a case-by-case basis for families in financial crises. We provide school supplies for teachers and food for needy students during school breaks.


Serve in the world.

Our church supports missionaries around the world through the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship and the Southern Baptist Convention. We have also developed long-term partnerships with individual missionaries serving both stateside and overseas. Our gifts help support these evangelistic and humanitarian efforts to demonstrate God’s love to the world. We regularly send volunteers to serve in assorted ministry opportunities. We participate in a monthly food bank ministry with a local A.M.E. congregation. Haddock has always had a heart for missions - near and far. As opportunities arise, we are responsive in meeting those challenges as God provides.

Nurturing the next generation of Christ followers.